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Posts from the ‘New Zealand’ Category

Finally life resumes as it should be …

Yup, we’re back to civilisation with free Wifi abounds in the land of of the Philippines. We touched down in Manila today. We left New Zealand (from Christchurch) yesterday afternoon and took a 10-hour and more flight to KL, followed by another flight via Cebu Pacific 3 hours after that to Manila. We’re here for a wedding this weekend.

Just a short update on our whereabouts. Will try to catch up on our adventures in New Zealand’s south island – we had a great time and really enjoyed the wonderful scenery. Plus, blue eyes got his adrenaline rush 🙂

Kia Ora New Zealand!

We’ve been silent for almost a week now and reason being, most accommodations in NZ do not offer free available Wifi; it cost at least NZ$5/hour for 500MB. Imagine paying and still be limited by the amount of data that you can download.

We stayed at my aunt’s place for the first 3 nights in Auckland. She and her family live at a farm, about 30km south of Auckland. She lent us a car so we could move about but the weather wasn’t too kind to us; it was raining over the 2 full days so we hardly saw anything – we went to Mt. Eden and One Tree Hill for views of the city but they weren’t much since the rain brought the fog.

Auckland for us has been mostly catching up sessions. We managed to meet Teemu and his girlfriend for lunch before their departure day. After lunch, we visited the waterfront and fish market after . It was a nice walk although windy. Later on the same day, we went over to Lee Lee & Ray’s place for dinner. They made us curry laksa, which was awesome for me since I haven’t had Malaysian food for 4 months now 🙂

NZ has more sheep than people so we wake up every morning and see sheep behind my aunt’s yard 🙂 After Auckland, we took the train down to Wellington, which passed by a scenic route. Then we flew to Christchurch for our south island road trip. All good, except that Internet is limited.

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